Pay for how much you actually use your subscriptions

Pay for how much you actually use your subscriptions

Get DePlan

Your monthly payment will be calculated based on your Intensity Usage of the app you subscribed to

Your monthly payment will be calculated based on your Intensity Usage of the app you subscribed to

Intensity takes into account different variables like: quantity of downloads/uploads/exports, frequency of usage, amount of consumed content (articles read, video watched…) etc.

You pay once at the end of the month for all your subscriptions

You pay once at the end of the month for all your subscriptions

If you don't use the app you subscribed to you pay zero

All you need to do is

Choose a plan on the product's website

Choose a plan on the product's website

Choose a plan on the product's website

Choose payment method

Credit Card

Pay later with DePlan


Choose payment method

Credit Card

Pay later with DePlan


Choose 'Pay later with DePlan' on checkout

Choose 'Pay later with DePlan' on checkout

How it works

The one who load the app server more than others during a month (Max Usage) would pay a full monthly subscription.

The one who load the app server more than others during a month (Max Usage) would pay a full monthly subscription.

The one who didn't use the app during a month at all (Min Usage) would pay zero. Other users get the price in between zero and full monthly subscription price based on their percent relevant to Max and Min Usage.

The one who didn't use the app during a month at all (Min Usage) would pay zero. Other users get the price in between zero and full monthly subscription price based on their percent relevant to Max and Min Usage.

The one who load the app server more than others during a month (Max Usage) would pay a full monthly subscription.

The one who didn't use the app during a month at all (Min Usage) would pay zero. Other users get the price in between zero and full monthly subscription price based on their percent relevant to Max and Min Usage.

The one who didn't use the app during a month at all (Min Usage) would pay zero. Other users get the price in between zero and full monthly subscription price based on their percent relevant to Max and Min Usage.

See example


5 users used the Photo Tune App with Ai during a month differently

Out of 5 users the first user created max load on the app server and get 100% Usage Intensity. So they will pay full monthly subscription price. The last user didn't use the app during a month, get 0% Usage Intensity and would pay zero. Other users get their prices according to their Intensity Usage relevant to Max and Min Usage.

Try it out

Try services below that already implemented 'Pay later with DePlan" payment method

The first Pay-As-You-Go photo storage ever

Go to Phorevr

Create Stunning Animated


Go to Charty

Take control of your subscription payments

Pay for apps you subscribed to like you pay your utility bills

  • Pay at the end of the month

  • Pay for how much you actually use the product

  • Pay by yourself. No automatic charges

  • Pay at the end of the month

  • Pay for how much you actually use the product

  • Pay by yourself. No automatic charges

Choose payment method

Credit Card

Pay later with DePlan


Credit Card

Pay later with DePlan


5 users used the Photo Tune App with Ai during a month differently

Out of 5 users the first user created max load on the app server and get 100% Usage Intensity. So they will pay full monthly subscription price. The last user didn't use the app during a month, get 0% Usage Intensity and would pay zero. Other users get their prices according to their Intensity Usage relevant to Max and Min Usage.

Give your users control of their payments

Let your users pay for your product like they pay their utility bills

  • Pay at the end of the month

  • Pay for how much they actually use the product

  • Pay by themselves not automatic charges

Try it out

Try services below that already implemented 'Pay later with DePlan" payment method

The first Pay-As-You-Go photo storage ever

Go to Phorevr

Create Stunning Animated


Go to Charty

DePlan is an official recipient of the USDC Grant Program by Circle

Backed by Balaji